It's All In The Heart

I heard his voice when I was talking to his mother over the phone. Crying, in pain. He is only 6 years old, but doctors have asked his parents to bring him back home. So that when the time comes for him to return to his Creator, he will have those that he loves with him.

Is it wrong to arrange for a celebrity that he admires so much to be with him at this final stage? I strongly believe not. If this celebrity can make him smile and say the last prayer calmly, what is wrong with that.

To me, it is all in the heart. One should not judge a person based on their style, their work or easier said, do not judge book by its cover. Their heart is what matter most. That is my belief.I hold strongly to that.

Khayrul Aiman is at the end stage now. His father is also currently battling cancer. The least I can do is, to help the family to see Adik Aiman laughs and smiles for the last time. If Mr. Aznil Hj Nawawi is the one who can do that, we will try to reach Mr.Aznil.

Note: Subhanallah... I am surrounded by so many loving people that have helped me to reach Mr.Aznil's agent. Hopefully, they get to meet each other. InsyaAllah..

May Allah bless you all..

hugs, Davie

A Trip To Museum

There is a phrase in my blog that goes something like this.. " Little thing to us.. maybe a huge thing to them". It is true.. as all of us see things differently. So are the children. What they wish for is something that really surprised me.... and honestly,.. their wishes are so pure.

When I asked her, what she really wanted to do if she is discharged from the hospital.... quietly, she said.." Nak pergi Muzium Negara "

Sweet right... a teenager who wants nothing more than to go to the National Museum. She is 14 years old, a very cute and extremely brave girl who have been fighting against leukemia since the age of 5 years old.

Childhood memories is something that we all have. I had good, bad, silly,happy even embarrassing childhood memories. I believe same goes to all of you :) . For childhood cancer patients, their time are most spent in the ward or at home. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, skipping school, missing their families, friends..are memories that most of them have since small. I truly believe, being happy does help in the process of getting better. Children are still children. Therefore, they deserve to have their own childhood memories. A piece of happy childhood memories.

For this girl, she wanted to go to museum.Her mom told me, she really wanted to take a ride in the double decker express bus. However, due to the health reason, long journey is impossible for her. Aha!! There is Hop On Hop Off Bus.. :)

We will go to the museum girl, insyaAllah.. with those who love you. Oh yes, we are taking the Hop On Hop Off too :)

p/s i received this sms from her mom " Dia menjerit tgk kad raya Anuar Zain .." talking about childhood memories.. NKOTB made me scream once, haha

May Allah bless you..

In Good Hands

It was last week when I posted the note about a girl who need RM28k for the treatment that she urgently has to take. Today.. I just received a news that.. she is in GOOD HANDS. Some organizations has contacted for the appeal, and syukur Alhamdulillah... Adik Ng Yee Lin will get the medication that she needs.

Allah works in mysterious ways.. He crossed our path together.. and as long as we have faith in Him, He will be there. That is what I believe in.

No matter how bad the rain is.. there will be a rainbow.. somewhere... insyaAllah

Thank you to all.. may Allah bless you...

Salam Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir batin

Hope & Chance

All through our life, we have hopes. We hope to be better in life, we hope to have success and well.. we hope that we will meet the right person to share our life with. When we start hoping.. we look for chances to turn that hope into a reality, insyaAllah..

When I posted the notes on Adik Ng Yee Lin, I was hoping for the best. I was hoping that Adik Yee Lin will be given a chance ... a chance to get well.

I was NOT doing any donation drive. However, friends started to ask for my account number. Thank you for trusting and believing in me. Honestly, I was overwhelmed by it and a bit worry of holding people's money.

Therefore, today (16th September 2009) I went to the ward to hand over the money to the parents. The first round was RM2,040.00 handed on 12th September 2009. With that amount, the parents managed to buy 2 bottles of the medication. Today, I handed the balance of RM6,760.00 that was used to buy 6 bottles ( the father immediately went to the pharmacy to buy it )

Attaching the photos ( err..actually.. i don't like taking photos of myself ) taken at the ward, as evidence to all donors that the money has been safely handed to Adik Ng Yee Lin's parents.

I had a great childhood, alhamdulillah... I hope the same goes to the children as well....insyaAllah...

May Allah bless you..

When You Wish Upon A Star - A Thank You Note

I went to Disneyland recently.. and heard this song..part of the lyrics goes like this..

"When you wish upon a star. Makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires. Will come to you...." (of course, we need Allah's blessing in achieving the dream :) )

I believe....every child has the right to enjoy their childhood, regardless race, religion, gender or status. Little thing to us, maybe a huge thing to them. With God's guidance and blessing, I hope that these children can laugh, smile and have fun like other kids out there, insyaAllah...

That is what Wishing Well Programme is all about. To give the children a moment to laugh, to have fun and to smile. Not only that, Wishing Well Programme hopes that the children can build the confidence in themselves as well as boost the spirit, regardless how rocky the roads are sometime.

Currently, I am focusing on childhood cancer patients. This leads to collaborations with many wonderful individuals, corporates as well as sports bodies. Each and everyone of them is a precious gift from Allah, Alhamdulillah .. and I THANK YOU to all of you for believing and trusting me. I am really glad that Allah had crossed our path in this journey of life.

Alhamdulillah.. all projects and programmes have become a success. Subhanallah .. all praise to Him. Nevertheless, all have become a success because I have all of YOU who endlessly supporting me, helping me, guiding me and who have been praying for me. We are here together for the love that we have for the children. MasyaAllah.. so beautiful how Allah make things work.

InsyaAllah.. Wishing Well Programme will be expanding the horizon.. so that more children will benefit from the programmes that we are doing.

Oh yes... I have a good news..insyaAllah.. ward visit will resume.. soon :)

Salam Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir Batin

May Allah bless you always....

The Children's Journey Is Still Long

When the mother passed away, I was there. A few minutes late, but I witnessed all. Which leads to the decision I made.. the Cinderella Day Out is still on.

Grieving is something we adults do best. However, a child should not be pulled into it. Their journey is still long. Losing a mother is not an easy thing to go through. Especially when it is just a week before the Eid.

Cinderella Day Out (13th Sept 2009) was a great success. Syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT for giving me the strength to be as chirpy as always with the children.. and thank you Allah for making so many generous people lending their hands. We went to Tesco Mutiara Damansara and had a great time shopping.There were 8 kids altogether, including Adik Hazim and his siblings.

As for Adik Hazim, going through every radiotherapy sessions is not easy.. and the feeling is worse when the lump keeps on appearing everywhere. Happy moments could make him forget the pain for a while. That is the reason why we brought him and his family too.

The objective of most of my programmes/projects are to make the children smile happily.

It was a mission accomplished today.. as I received A BIG SMILE!!! Syukur Alhamdulillah..

May Allah bless you all...

We Are Here For You

She is in Isolation Room 1. When I arrived, she was watching TV while her elder sister was drawing. That is how life is for the family of a childhood cancer patient. They will be spending most of their time in the hospital, which I could say their second home.

Yesterday, I have handed over a total of RM2,040.00 to the family ( money collected from various people out there ), for the medication that little Ng Yee Lin needs. This money will be used to cover treatment for 14th and 15th September 2009.

Little Ng Yee Lin is no longer a shy, timid girl. She is chirpy now.. and screamed happily when I gave her a few of Naruto items ( was given by a few of generous people out there ) She was proudly showing off the cards, stickers and jigsaw puzzle to her parents and sister.

Seeing the family laugh together was a gift from Allah that I treasure most. I wish I could share those moments with you all, especially with those who have been together with me in my projects.

Regardless race, religion, gender and background, these children are the focus of my programmes.

To me they are a gift from Allah SWT.

May Allah bless you all..

With Love From All Of Us

Syukur Alhamdulillah, the Syawal Note care packages were handed to the patients today. The recipients are the patients of UMMC and UKM Medical Centre. For those who are not warded, we have handed it to the nurses to keep it first, and pass it to the children when they go to the ward.

A lot of parents asked.. " are you doctor? " " are you from media? " " who gave this " ?... My reply was.. It is from people who loves the children :)

Believe me.. there were smiles everywhere. Cards & care pack were handed to the children personally by me and no words can express how I felt. This Syawal Note project combined the love of people from various background. Love for the children put us together. A priceless gift that Allah gave to all of us.Alhamdulillah..

Thank you Allah for allowing it to be a success.. and Thank you to all of YOU who have been a part of it..

p/s by the way, tears of joy were there , again...:p

May Allah bless you all

All She Needs Now Is 18 Days Supply Of Medication


LATEST UPDATE: 16TH SEPT 2009 / 9:57AM. Reached TOTAL DONATION of RM8,800.00




This is a VERY URGENT call that I would appreciate if you could share this note with your friends.

An 8 year old girl, Ng Yee Lin is currently admitted at UKM Medical Centre. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukimia (ALL) in June 2009. She was started on chemotherapy (UK ALL 97-Regimen A). After 2 weeks of started the chemotherapy, she developed recurrent fever and discovered that she developed disseminated fungal infection ( due to her body's low immunity ). Her chemotherapy was withheld and she was started on anti-fungal treatment.Unfortunately, anti-fungal treatment is required for prolonged time ( 2-3months duration , depending on patient's response ) and it is very costly ( as it is not subsidized by the hospital )
The description above is actually copied from Doctor's letter.

Basically she needs help to get the supply of medication.

Details of her medication:
Name of medication : Intravenous Caspofungin
Total Quantity : 30 bottles
Total Cost : RM28,000.00
With an adequate anti-fungal treatment, most patients will recover and can continue with their chemotherapy.

Her dad is working as technician, and her mom had to stop work to take care of her. They had spend more than RM20k for the past 2 months. Now, they cannot afford to pay for the medication.

We are trying our best to get help from various people/organization. Now, as I am composing this note, this girl has medicine for 5 days ( treatment with this expensive medication started 10th Sept 09 ).By Tuesday, there is still no allocation for the medication. She needs another 25 days of supply.

A big fan of Naruto, she smiles a lot, but hardly talk. But, there was a day, she looked at me and said " Terima kasih kakak"

Those who would like to help, please contact me and I will direct you to the doctor in charge.

p/s I will update the total amount money needed from time to time

May Allah bless you all..

Love, Tender & Care

A friend called me yesterday. Haven't heard from him for quite sometime, glad to hear that his family is doing fine, Alhamdulillah. He asked me .. " how did u do it..asking people for donation.." His question brought a smile to me..

My answer was simple. I told him.." It's all in the act of Allah SWT. I did not ask for money, but there are really loving people out there, who actually asked for my account number and address ( to send donation items) ". Allah moved their heart. MasyaAllah

Honestly, there are many loving and caring people out there, still. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Yesterday,another added to my list. It is Gapurna Group. Allah moved their heart to contact me.. Subhanallah. What else could I say , except... as usual, drops of tears. I confessed before, I hardly cry when I am with the children. But I do shed tears of joy. I did yesterday.

Love, tender and care still exist, no matter how tough and rough the world is nowadays. I believe in that. Strongly.

Dengarlah Sayang

" Dengarlah Sayang " is a project/programme that popped in my head while running on the thread mill. Funny but true, most of the ideas came either while at the gym or at the tennis court ;) However, I had to put it on hold because... this crossed my mind when the H1N1 became a pandemic.

However.. what's wrong in planning and hoping that this would be a reality, right? Here goes what "Dengarlah Sayang" is all about..

"Dengarlah Sayang" is a programme of story telling sessions for the children at the oncology ward. This story telling session will be a fun and enjoyable moment. Nothing wrong in giving the children a moment of fantasy.

Let's pray and hope that one day, the invitation card will be send out to the story tellers...

For those who would like to be the story tellers, you are gorgeous :) Drop me a note yea..

What Matters Most

A little bit update of Syawal Note & Cinderella Day Out.

All praise to the Almighty, things are on track. The delivery date for the Syawal Note will be on 12th September 2009 and Cinderella Day Out will be on 13th September, InsyaAllah.

Everyday, Wishing Well Programme is being blessed with wonderful surprises. Various people of different background comes forward, extending a helping hand in making each programme a reality, Subhanallah.

To me, every individual is unique in their own way. Regardless who you are, believe me.. when the little heroes smile... YOU ARE A PART OF IT, INSYAALLAH.

Personally... regardless of what you do for a living.. clerks, students, engineers, architects, home makers, singers, artist, professionals, sportsmen, politicians, doctors, nurses, teachers, bankers, or any career that are in this world ( sorry.. to type all, it will be endless )... that does not matter to me.What matter most is your HEART. Thank you Allah, for crossing my path with all these wonderful people.. Thank you to YOU, for believing in what I do..

Oh yes, to the children.. YOU ARE A PRECIOUS GIFT :)

May Allah bless you, always..

Kecil bagi kita, besar bagi mereka

Semalam saya menelefon ibu Adik Hazim, untuk bertanyakan keadaan mereka sekeluarga. Hmm.. guess what, sekarang ibunya dah jadi bisnes minded :) Syukur alhamdulillah.. satu yang dapat saya lihat perubahan keluarga ini, mereka semakin positif dalam mengharungi hidup sehari hari. Ibu Hazim sekarang tengah cuba nak menjual kuih siput. Selain dari itu, selepas mereka mendapat sumbangan peti ais, sebelum Ramadhan , mereka sudah mula menjual ais krim malaysia ( yang dalam plastik panjang ).

Untuk mereka yang sentiasa mendoakan keluarga ini, saya dengan rasa rendah diri memberitahu, alhamdulillah.. keadaan mereka semakin ok dari segi rohani. Kepincangan kewangan masih wujud dan kesihatan Adik Hazim masih di tahap yang agak kritikal. Namun, saya dapat rasakan keyakinan diri terutama pada ibu Adik Hazim dan juga Adik Hazim sendiri semakin baik.

Adik Hazim adalah antara satu dalam beribu ribu malah berjuta juta kanak-kanak yang memerlukan perhatian kita.

Projek saya dan rakan-rakan semakin mendapat perhatian ramai pihak. Oleh itu, saya dengan rasa rendah diri memohon, sekiranya ada di antara anda di luar sana mengetahui pihak, iaitu kanak-kanak yang perlu dibantu, harap dapat hubungi saya.

Mungkin kami hanya dapat menghulurkan bantuan yang hanya sekecil kuman.. tapi.. jika itu yang dapat memberikan mereka tersenyum, why not ? (^-^ )

Tiada janji dari pihak kami, tapi.. kami berdoa agar Allah mempermudahkan usaha kami dalam menggembirakan hati mereka yang memerlukan.. insyaAllah..

May Allah bless you all..

Cinderella Day Out

As we are in our 13th day of Ramadhan, I have just kicked off the Cinderella Day Out. It is a simple Programme.. to bring the 4 children of a breast cancer ( stage 4 ) patient to buy new clothes for the Eid.

For little kids, to get a new pair of clothes for the Eid is like a princess going to a ball ( hey.. adults too right ?;) ) Anyway.. the plan is to get a new pair of baju kurung each. I remain with my principle that, no matter how difficult things are, children have the right to be happy, to enjoy their childhood and we, the adults can help to improve things, of course..with Allah's permission definitely.

The mother continues with her treatment at HKL. Her story is one of the many story that we might have seen on Oprah shows.. of a mother trying her best to raise her daughters. She wanted to work, but her cancer becomes aggressive everyday.

All praise to the Almighty, I received a total of RM650 to but baju kurung & new shoes for the 4 little girls.

Shopping Day : InsyaAllah, 13th September 2009. ( depending on the mother's health )

may Allah bless you..