It has been 10 days since we had Magical Moments - Talentime. My sincerely apologies for the delay in posting this thank you note. Gomen ne.
Syukur alhamdulillah, it was indeed a day of joy, happiness and laughter. It was a day full of smiles.May 1 2011 was a day full of LOVE :)
Loving people from different walk of life, comes together for only one reason. For the children :)
Magical Moments - Talentime started as a self funded event. However, as the words spread, more people volunteering to help out in many ways i.e. sponsorship, ideas, facilities, energy, time, resources, talent... believe me, it was like a day with soooooooo many beautiful people with beautful heart. May God bless you friends..
My sincere and heartfelt gratitude goes to the beautiful people as follows....
Sheema : Even though you were not around that day, thank you for always being there in making the children happy.
You are STAR!
Anne : How Allah crossed our path was special, was through ERA radio. Somehow... Magical Moments - Talentime had ERA DJs as guest, by coincidence! Anne.. thanks for always being there, for the children. You are STAR!
K. Amy : thank you Kak Amy, for all your BEAUTIFUL gift to Wishing Well Programme. Please extend this humble appreciation to all your children, family and friends who have been helping. Special thank you to Kak Ari :) Love you Kak Ari, take care yea.
Mariam : You are simply AMAZING !! thank you for EVERYTHING!!
K. Ogie : Thank you for your support kak. You are AMAZING. take care k
Alia, Auntie Teh & Ayah Teh - What else can I say... your support & love are PRICELESS. Thank you very much !! Hugs !!
Pengetua & teachers of SMPK Setapak - Thank you for allowing me to use the school and assistance in making the event a memorable one :)
Hanif : Thank you for making the event a lively one. thank you for saving the day !! You are a SUPERB emcee !!
Natasha Hudson : Thank you for spending your weekend with us and being the judge:) You are GREAT!
Dina Nazir : Thank you for being the judge and sing for us :) Your voice is AMAZING!! Subhanallah
K. Roselinah : Your cup cakes are BEAUTIFUL !! Thank you kak !! :)
Muha : A friendship that developed to sisterhood/brotherhood. Thank you for EVERYTHING !! Oh yes, thank you for the petting zoo !! That was indeed a good idea :)
Nadirah : Sis, thank you for your support. Hugs :)
Jeush & Fahmi : Thank you Mr Photographer :) Thanks a mil !!!
Sensei Kashiwagi : Thank you for all your kindness. The kids LOVE learning about Japanese Culture. Sensei wa subarashii!
Linda & Fame : Thank you for the birthday cake. The kids love it :)
Yong :You are really TALENTED in design. Thank you for doing the official back drop.. all the way from South Korea :)
En Dzul : Thank you for your support & allowing me to volunteer at RACTAR.
Matt & Arnida : Thank you for being such great friends & baing part of WWP. You are a STAR!!
Last but not least, in case there are names that I have missed.... please forgive this forgetful fanny of mine. I sincerely appreciate your kind help, support and prayers to all programs that we do at WWP. All of you are the STAR!!!
“A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.” - Washington Irving ( 1783 - 1859 )
May Allah SWT bless you all... ALWAYS...
Posted in:
Monday, May 9, 2011
10:16 AM