I cried when I see them laugh

I've been asked by many people,how do I handle meeting these children..how do I control my tears.. Honestly, their sincerity, their courage really amazed me, subhanallah. But, I admit. I cried. I cried when I see them having a good time.I will shed tears when I see many people coming together to boast their spirit. And, every time people contacted me to lend a hand, I will cry, a bit at least ;)

That's the tears of joy, and of course all praise to Him. Today, Hani Liyana get to meet her idol, Tomok. Hani Liyana is an ALL ( Acute Lymphoblastik Leukimia ) patient. A sweet little girl, cute and an entertainer in the ward. According to the parents, she was so excited to meet Tomok when she knew about it. Dealing with these wonderful children, a habit of mine is, I will always inform about the surprise at the very last minute. I would love to keep it as a surprise though, but making sure they are at good condition is important. Therefore, I told the parents last night that Tomok is coming.

However, she was shy. She really enjoyed listening to Tomok's performance.. yet, when Tomok asked her to sing together, she just shook her head. Sweet.

I seriously believe anyone can make a difference ..regardless singers, sportsman, public figure, artist, politicians,professionals,

.. to name all..countless. Along the road i have met so many people with kind hearts.. today, MyTV3, Media Prima & Tomok added to my list.

To those who have been helping me to do what I am doing right now..only Allah can repay your kindness.You who keep on giving me ideas, support me, transport me when I wanted to meet them, listen to my stories..subhanaAllah... I LOVE YOU ALL.

May Allah bless you all ALWAYS..InsyaAllah

( posted in FB on 14th July 2009 )