Beautiful Painting
If I could capture all memories I had with all the little heroes, and turn it into a painting... Believe me, it will be a beautiful painting with lovely colours, just like the bright colours of rainbow after a thunderous storm. Children are beautiful, in their own way. Their honesty, sincerity and truthfulness is something that... even we adults failed in sometimes. Every child that Wishing Well Programme has been involved with are special at their own way. Blind boys band belting out latest pop song, little girl singing her heart out entertaining all at the ward and young gentleman fighting each second in his life for he knows his mother need him most... Those are some lovely pictures that are captured in this humble mind of mine... Pictures of courage, hope and love... Stay strong dear children, May Allah SWT give you the strength to go through every minute, every hour in your life... InsyaAllah... May Allah SWT bless you my dear readers... sincerely, davina picture courtesy of
Posted in: on Sunday, December 19, 2010 at at 10:03 AM